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Media Featuring Dr. Valerie Camille Jones

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”  ~  Albert Einstein

Math Model Teaching with Teach for America

“I never teach my pupils, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.” ~ Albert Einstein

In 2013, Dr. Jones had the opportunity of working on restoring meaning to mathematics teaching through becoming a Math Model Teacher with Teach for America (TFA). She spent six months working with TFA and taught as a Math Model Teacher during which her lessons were recorded to provide resources for future TFA instructors. During TFA training, teachers learned how to incorporate culturally responsive teaching into lessons while focusing on five core components: learning that builds on what students know; real and meaningful discourse; flexible engagement with problems; support for all learners with grade-level content; and mathematical agency. Dr. Jones, along with three other Math Model Teachers, worked with a classroom of 15 students each and provided instruction using these innovative strategies.

Equations and Equality as a Balance
Mathematical Agency
Exploring Slope with Story Telling
Blue and Gold Dress Finals-2
THUR Finals-3
Sunflower smile in white dress
Valerie Camille Jones 5
Valerie Camille Jones 3
Tues Final-14
THUR Finals-1
“Education is evolving due to the impact of technology. We cannot teach our students in the same man
About Me

"I aim to dispel the fear commonly associated with math and use fun engagement to help develop analytical thinking abilities! ~ Dr. Valerie Camille Jones

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